
127 Extracted Words – The Tease

April 2024



I write short fiction, flash fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from an essay in progress.

The list scrolls down my Surface 4 like a nondescript cascade of 5th District primary candidates. Well, in actuality, this is a list of 5th District primary candidates.

Ann Marie Danimus

Carmela Conroy

Jonathan Bingle

Terri Cooper

Brian Dansel

John Guenther

Rene’ Holaday

Jacquelin Maycumber

Jody Spurgeon

Michael Baumgartner

Matthew Gilde

Quite frankly, there’s only one name on that list I know (unfortunately).

Baumgartner. Career politician.

It took all of two seconds for his candidacy to arise after CMR announced her retirement.

I can’t help but sense danger on this list. Democracy is on the ballot and I suspect a number of these individuals would rather it wasn’t. They want democracy to vanish. Autocracy is their jam.


195 Extracted Words – The Tease

October 2023



I write short fiction, flash fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from an essay in progress. In addition, this is (for the first time) an extension of the two previous Teases.

In August I spoke about the idea of simply paying other countries not to attack us. In September I used the Tease to address the Republicans’ complete idiocy in not passing a budget.

Now, these two issues have collided in a way that effects the entire world. Until late Wednesday, we had no Speaker of the House, which meant Congress couldn’t approve any funding, which in turn meant any promises of aid made by our President to the numerous peoples in crisis around the globe (Israel, Ukraine, Gaza, Taiwan) rang hollow.

The complete lack of leadership shown by Republicans in the House is affecting our nation’s ability to lead the world in defense of democracy. Ironically, every minute they squandered fighting amongst themselves over control of their only slice of the federal government actually increased the chance that they will lose that slice in next year’s elections. Incompetence is a poor argument for reelection.

House Republicans only have two weeks before the next government shutdown crisis (entirely of their own making) emerges. They must come together with blinding speed to avoid a fiscal catastrophe. This time, along with the U.S. electorate, the entire world will be watching.


127 Extracted Words – The Tease

September 2023



I write short fiction, flash fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from an essay in progress.

Well, here we go again. Another Republican majority in the House, another government shutdown. Congress, as stated in the Constitution, has one main function above all others, fund the government. Pay the people that serve and protect our country. Pay for the services already promised. Service the debt already incurred.

To expect this group of MAGA-pressured majority party leaders to deliver a mature, reasoned, creative solution to this crisis is like expecting cows to clean up their own manure. But can’t we at least demand that they produce something, even if it resembles a cowpie? They couldn’t get enough yes votes to pass their own military spending bill. How does that even happen, short of a complete lack of leadership? Oh, well there it is then.


203 Extracted Words – The Tease

July 2023



I write short fiction, flash fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from an essay in progress.

The European Union has announced a new rule requiring visitors to attain a visa, even for visits lasting only a few days. With his usual bombastic ignorance, Donald Trump instantly fired back that he would not allow this to take place. He was outraged that other countries would charge us to visit, given all we’ve done for them.

First of all, I’m not sure where the one-term president thinks he gets such power. Unless I’ve been asleep, I don’t believe the clown has recently been elected king of the EU. Secondly, as with most of his absurd proclamations, after the cacophony of right-wing indignation dies down, his hypocrisy will ooze to the surface.

Consider this, if Trump views a visa as simply a fee to enter another country then it follows that he considers a passport a fee to return home. In regard to the EU visa, the cost of this “fee” is $8. In 2018, under Trump’s watch, the cost of a passport went up $10!

He increased the “fee” Americans pay to come home more than the EU is asking for us to visit! Once again, the indicted former president is making promises he can’t keep about issues he doesn’t understand.


Never Forget

Never forget, January 6th 2021 was a coup attempt.

The attack in Washington D.C. on January 6th, 2021 was nothing less than a coup attempt. If anyone tells you different, they are either attempting to mislead you or they simply don’t understand the meaning of the word.

Coup: A sudden, violent, illegal seizure of power from a government.

January 6th was sudden, it was violent and it was aimed at our legislative body, the very heart of our democracy. This is America and we don’t want to believe such things can happen here. But they can, and they did. And that’s why we must never forget.


85 Extracted Words – The Tease

December 2021



I write short fiction, flash fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from a movie review in progress (my first).

Don’t Look Up is a movie that made me think more than any film I’ve watched in quite some time. And then I looked at today’s trending Google searches, and it inflated that thinking exponentially. I’m new to this, and don’t wish to be a spoiler, so that’s as far as I will dwell into the plot. But I will say, if you are interested in social media, politics, media corruption, science and/or astronomical physics, this movie will entertain you … and make you think.


313 Extracted Words – The Tease – June 2019

June 2019

I write flash fiction, non-fiction, essays and novels. This month’s Tease is from a novel in progress.

He packed the old Ford with everything he thought he might need, save the items he would toss in right as they left. He planned on getting there early, at first light, if necessary. He already had the place in mind, if it came to it. Hopefully the dumb shit would take his threat as advice and just hit the road, disappear, never return. But before he could even finish the thought, it soured from clarity. “Got damn, Cleopatra, as sure as you’re a Saluki, that kid’s a dumb shit. A neophyte, liberal, socialist dumb ass.” He spit in the pine needles behind the Ford’s toothy rear tires. “And people think he’s some kind of truth teller, but just like the idiots that mistake you for a Doberman, they don’t even know what the truth is.” He spit again, this time brushing at the stubbly skin covering his taught jawbone. “He’s a coyote, a jackal, and you’ve seen how I dispose of them.” He reached behind the dog and rubbed the wooden stock of his thirty-thirty. “Afraid you won’t get to sniff this one’s bones, though. One shot and we’re out of there. Might not even go back to the homestead right away.” The dog whined through her long nose. “Well, I wouldn’t care for that either. I’d surely miss the place as much as you, but we might have to run for a while. Might be a kick in the ass, anyway.” He smiled at the thought of crossing the heartland during the night, listening to emboldened talk show hosts across the land, their voices turning to midnight anthems, crying out with pride about the mysterious patriot in Oregon, and how he acted so boldly, the way we wished our leaders would. A crack of lightning answered from the sky. “Well Miss Cleo, sounds like a storm picking up.”


UMMM …. About last night …

Keep calm and carry on.

As many of you know, my blog has followers and visitors from over 50 different countries, so I address my friends, both foreign and domestic, it’s going to be all right. Yes, I’m disappointed in last night’s results, but I wasn’t real happy with my choices in the first place. (Frankly, I think that is how most people feel today.) Trump garnered less than 50% of the votes of less than 60% of Americans, a political victory yes, but hardly a binding of hearts and souls with America. Winning an election in this country is not the same as pushing through an agenda. It is the first step, but only the first step in a long and torturous process. In fact, the slow pace of our democracy is part of what fuels the frustration that enables demagogues like Trump to win political elections in the first place. But as I said, elections are not the same as policies, law or action.

On the international stage, consider two points. First, the most powerful nation on Earth just performed a very peaceful transition of power. No small accomplishment in this age. Secondly, in regards to the Middle East, yes we are concerned with ISIS, but the American people have also had a belly full of war in the last 15 years, and Trump’s actual policy statements (aside from the bravado) don’t signal a huge change in involvement there.

On the domestic side, Trump has made many promises about cleaning up Washington. If he succeeds, well, more power to him. He continues to amaze, so I won’t bet against it. But if he fails, then most of his more robust agenda (such as repealing the ACA and deporting millions of immigrants) will not be possible. Bottom line: a plan to attack Congress and lobbyists might get you elected, but it won’t get much legislation passed.

My hope is that he chooses to bite off some small victories first. I would hope he could rally enough votes in Congress for clean water infrastructure, child-care subsidies, withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership and perhaps even term limits. (Yes, he has pledged to act quickly on all these points). Then even if he loses his political clout, at least we will have gained something for all our angst and embarrassment.

My bet is still on the American people. He is our employee now. It’s our job to keep reminding him of that.



It’s Only 97 Days Until the Mad Hatter’s Next Tea Party

Why the f…iscal cliff do Tea Partiers think the next shutdown/showdown will be any different from the last?


Ted Cruz and his Tea Party gang tried to extort legislation out of the President. They failed miserably. With a little introspection and time to cool off, what sage conclusion did they draw? “Hey, that was great. Let’s do it again!”

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOn  the Sean Hannity show, Cruz vowed that he was prepared for the next fight. On ABC News, he wouldn’t rule out use of another shutdown. “I would do anything, and I will continue to do anything I can, to stop the train wreck that is Obamacare,” Cruz said when asked by ABC’s Jon Karl specifically about the possibility of further brinksmanship. Meanwhile, the ACA stumbles forward without any attempt to improve it, the budget still hasn’t gone to conference and the next self-imposed economic crisis looms only 97 days away.

During this last standoff, John Boehner was questioned at a press conference about some possible scenarios and how he might deal with them. His answer was the classic “If ifs and buts were candy and nuts, we’d all have a merry Christmas.” And then he walked off to the laughter of the press corps. Shame on all of them. Someone should have yelled, “Answer the damn question ass-munch. You work for us. Or have you forgotten that?” What he, Boehner, really should have said was … if we can just push this thing out past the first of the year, then we’ll all have a merry Christmas. In the final analysis, that’s all he, Obama and the Senate leaders really did.

So enjoy the holidays. Indulge in some eggnog or tea, whatever you prefer. Send an extra can of soup to the local food bank for the sake of future non-essential personnel. And then let’s all meet back here sometime around the middle of January and ride that fiscal horse through the burning barn of dysfunctional government once again.


I Know the President is Listening (In) – But Are You, Congress?

Congress has the power to tear down the Patriot Act, but will they?

Congress passed the Patriot act, they can repeal it. At the very least, they can tweak it. But are they even listening to our complaints?

I have heard a great deal of rhetoric, but very little actual determination on the part of our representatives, those empowered and obliged to protect our rights. Upon the revelations of Mr. Snowden and his involvement with the N.S.A. last week, I contacted the offices of all three of my members of Congress. Cathy McMorris Rodgers, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell.

It has been a week and no response. This is shameful and we will not let it go.

Now the NSA has revealed more taps without warrants. If we allow this to go on, the shame will be on us as well. Just ask yourself, why was this program kept secret? The initial, obvious and pat answer from the security hawks would be that the program could not work if it was made public. But think about that. The program has been exposed and do you think it’s being shut down. Not a chance. So it appears that the hiding was from us, not the terrorists.

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

Two Hundred plus years old and the meaning is still crystal clear. What is being allowed is wrong. It’s time for Congress to act.
